Our history

Anything is possible for those who dream, dare, work and never give up.
halchimy histoire

Letter from Halchimy CEO

Dear Halchimystes,

I am honored to be able to share with you a story that is very close to my heart, that of Halchimy.

As an entrepreneur at heart, I decided to embark on this bold adventure. Nicolas and I were convinced that we had a role to play in this industry, even if it was totally unknown to us. This conviction guided us through seven years of intensive research and development, punctuated by challenges and discoveries. Two patents later, our dream had become reality.

Today, I can say that the only link between our dreams and reality is the time we devote to making them a reality.

Our customers wear much more than a luxury watch that accurately tells the time. They wear a powerful symbol, a constant reminder that it's time to pursue their biggest dreams, that it's time to become the highest version of themselves, that it's time to turn their lives into gold.

Halchimy's journey is a true odyssey. This creative process, which consists in transforming a simple idea into an unforgettable experience, a product or a service with high added value, embodies the power of alchemy. I have personally experienced this process, and this watch is its materialization.

Each Halchimy watch tells a story of transformation, a seven-year adventure that saw a dream become reality.

To be a Halchimyste is to engage in this creative process, to understand that time is our most precious resource on earth. That's why we've created a world where Halchimysts spend time together to gain time, a world where alchemy works, where all dreams can come true. A world where the only rule is to be yourself at the highest level.

Thank you for being part of this extraordinary journey. Together, let's continue to turn our dreams into reality.

With all my admiration,



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